My very brave Spartan and Plan C…

It’s good to have a Plan A.  It’s also good to have a Plan B.  Then, when plans A & B don’t materialize as expected you go to plan C.  That’s where we are, plan C.

There is really no witty or cutesy way to put this out there.  There is good news and then bad news.  We will start with the good. The surgeon today was fully expecting to remove tissue, shave a little bone and scoop out the cancer.  It wasn’t going to be pretty or function perfectly but the cancer would be gone.  That is still going to happen (that’s the good news), it’s just going to be a bit more complicated.

For the not so great news.  The cancer was not limited to the soft tissue, it has gone into the bone.  BUT, it is still limited to the foot which is really great news.  However, because it is in the bone, the treatment will need to be much more extensive.  A new biopsy will show us exactly what the next step in this plan is.   As of now, we believe it will be one of the two following options.  Option one would be a 1/2 foot amputation, with the second option being a below the knee amputation.

While this is not the plan we had in mind, we know our God has a master plan and we will follow where He leads.   Kelly is my very most favorite person in the world…please pray for him, his surgeon and the medical team that will be treating him as we move forward.  He really is “my very brave Spartan”.

Listen to His Voice,

Lee Ann

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  1. I am specifically praying that the doctors be led to make the wisest and VERY BEST decision for Kelly!!! Let us know when you find out.

  2. We are with y’all all the way. We love y’all and will be praying hard! We have faith everything is going to be ok! Again if you need us day or night to help you in anyway please let us know! Lots of love and prayers!

  3. You and Kelly are in our prayers. We are praying for wisdom fur the doctors and all who will be caring for Kelly. God has this worked out, but our hearts are still hurting. Kelly is such a special person and his grit and determination continues to amaze me. We love you dearly-David, Holly, Ryan, Cade, and Carson

    • thank you so much for your thoughts and continued prayers. “rare” seems to be running in our family right now! love you all!

  4. As I read this and my heart sinks.. I remind myself of what I do know without a doubt: God sees you. He knows exactly where you are and what is ahead. He has gone before you and put the best people in place. He has and will continue to give you everything you need at the time you need it to keep moving forward. I’m reminded of a part of The Hiding Place.. Corrie’s father tells her he gives her the train ticket at just the time she needs to board the train, not before and not after.. he says he does this because she is not ready to receive it earlier.. He says that is how God is.. He gives us just what we need at the very best time we need it. He holds onto it until we need it. God will give you what you need at just the right time. I love you guys! Praying for you to be showered with Gods love and peace.

    • God’s timing is everything! The struggles your family has faced is an inspiration to all who know you. It is also a guide to those of us just beginning challenging journeys. Your faith is such an encouragement to me. I follow your challenges and how you always meet them head on knowing God is right there with you. God is in control and in these situations you realize how much you depend on that!

  5. Kelly,
    Karen told me your story last night and I just finished reading it here. Thanks for sharing this and we are praying for you and Lee Ann for as long as it takes to get you back and fully healthy. I was just remembering that time we were playing rag tag at Harding and Mike Guy and Donnie Burns were the half backs and they were good, but I knew you could really run, so I always wanted to get the ball to you. So we ran some sort of play called Guard Reverse moving the half backs one direction and you pulling from Offensive Guard going the other direction (why were you playing guard at 150 lbs…you were tough) and I took the snap as quarterback and slipped down the line discreetly placing the ball in your belly and continuing on down the line. Seems like we ran that several times and picked up big yards. And all the other times I’ve watched you run the 800 or just going out on a training run, makes it hard to hear this news. But God is good all the time and all the time God is good. You are one of my favorite friends ever and you always will be. Keep on running the good race and fighting the fight. We are cheering you on and at the same time praying with all our might. Grace and peace and love to you from Brent & Karen.

    • Thank you Brent. Yes, those football games were fun. We had a good team because you were an organized and talented leader and QB.
      We covet your prayers as the Lord leads us in this battle.
      Blessings to you and your beautiful family for a great Thanksgiving.
      Love u my brother. Kelly

  6. Hey Kelly, please know we are praying for you and all that you are dealing with. May God give you and your bride the peace and comfort needed.
    Rohan & Sandra Jones

  7. Lee Ann, my heart is heavy for you and Kelly. Please know that you both are in my thoughts and prayers. Your faith is inspirational and will see you through this challenge. 🙏

    • Thank you Sherryl, knowing friends are praying and thinking about Kelly and myself through this time is more comforting than I ever realized. Your thoughts are so so appreciated. Love having “old” friends that bring happy memories to the surface.

  8. Sweet Kelly and Lee Ann — I am so sad that you have this unexpected obstacle in your path. I’m sad because I love you both and like thinking of you working on your farm, doing all the active things you’ve always done and enjoying your life together without the worry and stress of dealing with something like this. However, I also know no couple with more inner, spiritual resources (plus HUNDREDS of friends and family) to deal with this is in a “keep calm, pray on” way than the two of you. Here are some other things I know: Jim lost the use of half of his face, but he can still kiss me good night; John lost half of one leg, but he still climbs ladders, cuts brush, drives a boat and has fun. I know Kelly will heal from whatever procedures come his way and he will figure out a way to do anything he wants to do. I just wish you could jump to that point right now and miss all the stuff that has to happen along the way. Love you both and praying for you daily.

    • What a blessing ‘life friends’ are! I have thought of and drawn strength from the memories of how faithfully Jim and John handled their personal challenges so many times over the past month. Thanks, blessings and love, Kelly & Lee Ann

  9. Thank you Kelly and Lee Ann for including us and the updates on your plans and schedule. Your story is shared in such an uplifting, positive , God glorifying way to honor Him….. such an inspiration to others in times of trouble. You both are in my prayers…. will continue to chk in you. Love cuz karen

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